
An 80th Birthday Celebration

To celebrate my father-in-law Allan's 80th birthday, we gathered with a crew of Amotts in Victoria. A party at the house the first night with his brother Dennis playing his accordian, first and second cousins running around, stories told, magic tricks performed, puns tossed about, soccer balls kicked and feasts enjoyed. Then on Canada Day, an outing to the National Park at Fisgard Lighthouse then a surprise dinner at the Sooke Harbor House.

With contributions of letters and photographs from all his family, I put together a tribute book for him. Here he is opening the book and then below a few of my favorite photos from the book. Happy Birthday Allan! 


  1. Oh, how I love old photos! Look at those swimsuits! Fantastic. What a beautiful, rich life lived. Happy Birthday Mr. Amott!

  2. Love this—the wonderful tribute book, the evocative old photos, your celebration and book reveal!
