
Thank You Thank You Thank You

You will remember
for we in our youth
did these things
Yes many and beautiful things

I imagine myself reaching a great old age someday, perhaps 93, which I hope to see in good health.  I think of that future me remembering the me of right now: a woman in my thirties with a loving husband, a sweet toddler son and another baby on the way.  I'm glad I'm writing some of it down.

One year ago, I started writing this blog with the intent to slow down, savor and share memories.  I chose the name Shine Memoirs because I like the idea of polishing memories - by remembering and sharing them - until they shine.  As I look back on this past year and the posts I’ve written, one word keeps filling up my brain and my heart:  gratitude.  There are so many people and so many things to be grateful for in my life. 

  • My supportive, loving and adventuresome husband who is always game.
  • My laughing, crinkly-nosed, happy-go-lucky son Xavier who helps me slow down and play more each day.
  • My extended and far-flung family who all lift me up continually.  You all add color and texture to my life.
  • My wide community of friends who offer inspiration, laughter and a big dose of joy on a daily basis. 
  • The technology which allows me to skype, call or email family and friends when I can’t run over to knock on their back door.
  • Writers, books and libraries for the steady diet of inspiration.
  • And you, my community through this blog.  Some of you I know in person, some are new friends through this magical thing called the internet.  Thank you for the time you take out of your day to read Shine Memoirs and for your supportive and genuine feedback.  I love the on-going conversation.

Gratitude is a practice, a meditation, an art form.  I want to continue to hone my gratitude skills and one way to do that is to keep on writing.  Here's to another year of making wonderful memories!

"If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough."

~ Meister Eckhart

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