
A Gift of Perspective

A Gift of Perspective

~ To My Father On His 70th Birthday
    September 3, 2016

Holding tight to your neck
riding on your shoulders,
this panarama of the universe
in McKennan Park from
oh-so-high is my earliest
memory. Feeling safe yet
exhilarated and very special
to be carried aloft by you.
From up here a new wide
vantage point on everything.
I was two maybe, who knows,
but the sensation remains
even now forty years later.

You, father and friend,
taught me a way to see
life through a lens
of kindness, generosity,
enthusiasm, good humor,
optimism and confidence
as you did.

I came to learn
not everyone views
the world like this.

When, if tallying up
accomplishments in a life
deeply-lived thus far,
you may have some regrets
and disappointments
as any human will,
please know
you have given a daughter
this perspective;
in fact all this
ravishing world.

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